Monday 7 May 2007

Secondary Research - Skin - Artists, Concepts, Ideas etc...

Bruce Nauman - 'Made sculptures based on the backs of objects or moulded from parts of his own body; also works concerned with the notion of hiddenness or inaccessibility, and neon pieces with words (sometimes more or less illegible). Since 1968 his work has consisted mainly of performance pieces, e.g. films of such actions as Bouncing Two Balls between the Floor and the Ceiling with Changing Rhythms, or corridors and installations involving a limited degree of spectator participation and exploring effects of parallax, audio-tactile separation, disorientation, etc.' (Rest of article) Here is another artist showing identity through his work..i think theis photo on the left fits in the skin section...

Here's an interesting link from an exhibition in Oklahoma......Skin

I found a woman called Shelly Jackson online; she seems to want to publish a story on peoples skin...intriguing.

Marc Quinn 'is often associated with Damien Hirst as one of the founding figures of the 1990s British contemporary art movement. Self (1991, Saatchi Collection, London), a self-portrait head made from his own frozen blood, was first exhibited in 1991 at the Jay Jopling/Grob Gallery and then at the Saatchi Gallery in 1992. At the Tate Gallery in 1995, the artist showed Emotional Detox: The Seven Deadly Sins, a group of seven lead casts of parts of his body which were made using the lost wax method. The pieces are reminiscent of the 'character heads' made by Franz Xaver Messerschmidt in the late eighteenth century. Quinn prefers to use his own body as a primary source, as it is free from the associations of implied relationships: 'the self is what one knows best and least at the same time ... casting the body gives one an opportunity to "see" the self' (conversation with Sean Rainbird, Tate Gallery, 1995).' Here is the rest of the article. I think the photo to the right should be here even though its made out of rubber....i find it quite creepy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was just looking on youtube and found these ones too :)
have a look