Thursday 10 May 2007

Secondary Research - Miscellaneous

A link to PBS video productions...they have made a series about art in the twenty first of the programs is about identity in contemporary art.

Here is a link to an exerpt from the video.
Here and here are images and artists that use identity from the program.

Another link to an article on a past exhibition about Identity in Contemporary Art. Explains how identity is used by artists....

Here's a Dove advert which shows peoples body's/skin, maybe trying to ask the question of real identity? ...a bit twee i know but does have a point...

(The rest of this post has moved into my Secondary Research section due to 'organisation'...)

Sculptures & Artworks from Northern Israel

Here's a group of photo's that i thought could be interesting to post.... Scultures and Artworks from my recent trip to Northern Israel.....Click here for a slideshow.

I think the main link to identity here is the way some of the photo's show the dilapidated buildings and gun turrets intertwined, next to nature. This seems to show the identity of the place/area/community really well. The idea of war being part of life...making it as natural as the tree's.

Click on the photo's to see more on my flickr page.

Video Art by Marcel Duchamp

Not sure what its got to do with identity, yet....but i like it even if it is strange. It makes me look inward...making me ask questions about my own identity, the artists identity.... I think it deserves to be posted?

Here's some information about this kind of work...

Duchamp's Rotor Reliefs - Online Animation (you'll need a 'flash' plugin)

Duchamp's reasoning for this work

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