Saturday, 21 April 2007

Reflective Journal/Sketchbook/Blog/Record Thing

• Finally got most of my notes online and up to date…

• Also did a bit of blog tweaking.

Thursday, 19 April 2007


• Had to go to the Doctor, found out I have an eye work today...or Friday.

• Talked to Paul, changed discussion time to Monday morning.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

H&C Essay

• Have to finish essay…don’t feel well….can’t do any other work today.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Primary Research - Tutorial x2

• Tutorial with artist from yesterdays lecture..more to come.

• Went to H&C tutorial - Pop Art. Click here for my notes (the information could be all wrong - i can't take notes)

Monday, 16 April 2007

Primary Reseasrch - Actaully making something...

I started with the 'body shape' to explore part of your natural identity. (I decided natural identity rather than identity in general because if i started exploring clothes or other material things then it would add even more complication)

I needed to find a direct and quick way to record the body so i asked people to lay on the floor while i drew round them...
It was a strange experience but i liked the way they turned out.
I decided to put them on my wall next to each other.
When i stood back it struck me how it seemed to show the similarities of the human form as well as the differences. It was kind of saying we're all human even if we are different shapes and sizes. Im starting to think this is what identity is all about...difference?
I liked the look drawings as well as the concept so left them up.

Here's a photo....

Not sure if its going to help my project yet but here's an interesting link about body lanuage

Primary Research - Mind Map

• Talked to Paul about making conceptual ideas into visual work…need to start experimenting.

• Finished and move mind map on – needed to figure out how to translate it into a visual language.

• Made a list of main ideas as well as 'what makes up identity' from the mind map and tried to think of how I could actually see it in some work. Here is the actual mind map, click it for a closer look.

• I decided the list (with a bit of work) should be the bases of my primary research and I should get this done before I look for other influences. Here's the list....

Artist's Talk - Nina Sederholm

Will post something here very soon.... i think this is her...

Primary Research - Plan

Research has started...until i post something saying otherwise, all post's are for primary research.

(im going to carry on posting the H&C Lectures and Friday Events, i don't think its bad habbit to get into...)

Just to make sure im dong the right thing i've been looking up what Primary Research actually is...

Primary Research = Documentation from original sources i.e. drawings, photos, conversations, looking...

Here is the dictionary definitions......

Dictionary Definition - Primary |ˈprīˌmerē; ˈprīm(ə)rē| -


1 - Of chief importance; principal : the government's primary aim is to see significant reductions in unemployment.
2 - Earliest in time or order of development : the country was in the primary stage of socialism. • not derived from, caused by, or based on anything else : the research involved the use of primary source materials in national and local archives.
3 - [ attrib. ] of or relating to education for children between the ages of about five and ten : a primary school.
4 - Biology & Medicine belonging to or directly derived from the first stage of development or growth : a primary bone tumor. 5 ( Primary) Geology former term for Paleozoic .
6 - Relating to or denoting the input side of a device using electromagnetic induction, esp. in a transformer.
7 - Chemistry (of an organic compound) having its functional group located on a carbon atom that is bonded to no more than one other carbon atom. • (chiefly of amines) derived from ammonia by replacement of one hydrogen atom by an organic group.

Dictionary Definition - Research |ˈrēˌsər ch; riˈsər ch |


1 - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions : we are fighting meningitis by raising money for medical research.
• ( researches) acts or periods of such investigation : his pathological researches were included in official reports.
• [as adj. ] engaged in or intended for use in such investigation and discovery : a research student | a research paper.

verb [ trans. ]

investigate systematically : the biographer spent 25 years researching Stalin's life | [ intrans. ] the team has been researching into flora and fauna.
• discover facts by investigation for use in (a book, program, etc.) : I was in New York researching my novel | [as adj., with submodifier ] ( researched) this is a well-researched and readable account.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Sunday, and im working....

• Carrying on with bloody essay...
Enjoy learning about the Dadaist's but hate writing and organising all the information to fit 2000 words!!!
Can't wait till it’s done.

• Started the mind map to give me ideas about how I’m going to explore identity.