Saturday, 14 April 2007

Blog Set Up

• Set up blog, flickr account and u-tube….did nothing with them ☺
• Had to do last terms essay for H&C. I’ve been putting it off too long so its time to start. Will probably take me the whole weekend + so don’t expect much blogging….
o Off to the Library for some researching i think.

(If your at all on the ball you've probably realised that my first post isn't this one.... The explanation is that i've been keeping a reflective journal offline, only just got round to putting stuff on here)

Friday, 13 April 2007

Friday Event

Friday Event As if Memories Could Deceive Me - Doris Krystof
History & Politics in 1980's Video Art in Germany

It was interesting to see the way video art was seen by artists at this time. I liked the idea of putting film with different, unexpected genres of music e.g. African drumming over a film of someone playing classical piano; mixing difference and showing it can work. Exactly what I think identity is all about...

A woman at the end disagreed with a comment made by the lecturer and decided to go on about it for ages... She was disagreeing with the fact that video art was for a certain audience, an educated 'art school' audience. I agreed with this even though she was being very forceful, nearly aggressive with her argument...
How can people (in general) be educated to this type of art if its hidden away and only shown in specific communities?

The woman wouldn’t shut up though and I needed the toilet, so I left…

Here is a link for a video by Marcel Odenbach, its not great but its all i can find.

First Year Friday Event (FYFE): Artist's Talk:
Clodagh Enoe & Laura Aldridge

Enjoyed the first one...I liked the way she was thinking about concepts and the world around her.
She was talking about 'Nothingness' in art as a concept and a way of producing works, I found it intriguing.
I get the impression ‘Nothingness’ has to come from the knowledge of something…you have to start with something, you can’t get away from that.
Can you only understand ‘Nothingness’ when you have first understood something? Is it like the theory that you don’t really understand happiness until you have understood sadness?
I think by nature we try to understand life... are we always aware of the void/non-existence/non-being of the world or do we get caught up in whats there?
Mmmmmmmm ☺

I can’t help but think, if you start to base work on the idea of ‘Nothingness’ then where does art end up going?
The only way I can see is to try and understand/explore how to visually communicate 'Nothing"… Does this mean you’ve finished before you’ve even started?

I don’t think this concepts for me as I feel my work, as well as me as a person is propelled by everything instead of nothing.
At the moment i feel I have to explore as much as possible…..maybe when I retire I’ll come back to this ☺

(Went to the Market Gallery (Duke St) for a more in-depth talk about the work… In the end I decided ‘Nothingness’ as a theory can only go so far. You can explore how to visualise this in your art forever but I feel conceptually your cutting yourself off to a whole world of influence and interest.)

When it comes to the relationship with identity the concept of nothingness doesn't really work.

A Black Hole in Outter Space by Clodagh Emoe
Pencil on Paper
19 x 42 cm

Here is an explanation of her work.
Here is an explanation of 'Nothingness' and other Artists work.

I haven’t much to say about the second talk…
I think she was nervous so didn’t present her work very well.
I like the idea of work being so tacky and in your face that you can’t ignore it….I think this can add an intrigue and interest to the piece.

End of rant….. ☺

First Real Day In...

Still very tired as I only got back from holiday yesterday... Feel I need to get started.
Went into Artschool to talk to people about how they where thinking of tackling the brief plus tell tutor (Paul) what my plans where...

Need to:

• do a mind map for identity,
• work out a plan/direction for primary research,
• get some visual work under my belt!

Thursday, 12 April 2007

First Thoughts on Identity

This term my plan is to resolve my last project which ended up being an exploration of what makes people, people.
This to me this is about identity so its what im going to explore this term.......

Identity (Personal Definition) - An aspect that makes a 'thing' individual....a feeling, a visual, a sound, a concept etc. Something or a group of things that gives a uniqueness...

Identity (Dictionary Definition) - i·den·ti·ty, noun

1. who somebody is or what something is, especially the name somebody or something is known by.
2. the set of characteristics that somebody recognizes as belonging uniquely to himself or herself and constituting his or her individual personality for life
3. the fact or condition of being the same or exactly alike
4. Australia, New Zealand somebody who is well known in a particular field of activity (informal)
5. a mathematical equation that remains valid whatever values are taken by its variables

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.