Monday 16 April 2007

Primary Reseasrch - Actaully making something...

I started with the 'body shape' to explore part of your natural identity. (I decided natural identity rather than identity in general because if i started exploring clothes or other material things then it would add even more complication)

I needed to find a direct and quick way to record the body so i asked people to lay on the floor while i drew round them...
It was a strange experience but i liked the way they turned out.
I decided to put them on my wall next to each other.
When i stood back it struck me how it seemed to show the similarities of the human form as well as the differences. It was kind of saying we're all human even if we are different shapes and sizes. Im starting to think this is what identity is all about...difference?
I liked the look drawings as well as the concept so left them up.

Here's a photo....

Not sure if its going to help my project yet but here's an interesting link about body lanuage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool link, i'm interested in those kinds of things. Thanks :]

And I like your idea's about identity, very nice.