Monday 16 April 2007

Primary Research - Plan

Research has started...until i post something saying otherwise, all post's are for primary research.

(im going to carry on posting the H&C Lectures and Friday Events, i don't think its bad habbit to get into...)

Just to make sure im dong the right thing i've been looking up what Primary Research actually is...

Primary Research = Documentation from original sources i.e. drawings, photos, conversations, looking...

Here is the dictionary definitions......

Dictionary Definition - Primary |ˈprīˌmerē; ˈprīm(ə)rē| -


1 - Of chief importance; principal : the government's primary aim is to see significant reductions in unemployment.
2 - Earliest in time or order of development : the country was in the primary stage of socialism. • not derived from, caused by, or based on anything else : the research involved the use of primary source materials in national and local archives.
3 - [ attrib. ] of or relating to education for children between the ages of about five and ten : a primary school.
4 - Biology & Medicine belonging to or directly derived from the first stage of development or growth : a primary bone tumor. 5 ( Primary) Geology former term for Paleozoic .
6 - Relating to or denoting the input side of a device using electromagnetic induction, esp. in a transformer.
7 - Chemistry (of an organic compound) having its functional group located on a carbon atom that is bonded to no more than one other carbon atom. • (chiefly of amines) derived from ammonia by replacement of one hydrogen atom by an organic group.

Dictionary Definition - Research |ˈrēˌsər ch; riˈsər ch |


1 - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions : we are fighting meningitis by raising money for medical research.
• ( researches) acts or periods of such investigation : his pathological researches were included in official reports.
• [as adj. ] engaged in or intended for use in such investigation and discovery : a research student | a research paper.

verb [ trans. ]

investigate systematically : the biographer spent 25 years researching Stalin's life | [ intrans. ] the team has been researching into flora and fauna.
• discover facts by investigation for use in (a book, program, etc.) : I was in New York researching my novel | [as adj., with submodifier ] ( researched) this is a well-researched and readable account.

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