Saturday, 5 May 2007

Secondary Research - Plan

Going along the same lines as i did in my primary research to investigate peoples 'natural identity'.

Going to use the list i came up with as well as other more general influences; hopefully making the research concise and to the point....

My plan to record it is have 6 post's (including this one). Systematically showing the secondary research in relation to what im actually interested in and want to find out....hopefully.

1 - This explanation of the secondary research plan,

2 - Body...artists, concepts, photo's, ideas,

3 - Hair... ", ", ", ",

4 - Skin... ", ", ", ",

5 - Face... ", ", ", ",

6 - Random secondary research that doesn't fit into any of the previous posts. (Religion, male/female etc..)

Im going try and see how both historical and contemporary artists have tackled making identity visual. Im also interested in conceptual ideas maybe i'll do some research into the philosophy of identity as well as the visual.

As you might have noticed i've extended my list of influencial artists...a lot of these have connections to identity but not all.

Again, to check im on the right lines i've looked up definitions of Secondary Research....

Secondary Research = Information that's already been investigated or collected by someone else i.e. artworks, papers/essays, photos....

Here's the dictionary definition for Secondary -ˈsekənˌderē - adjective

1 coming after, less important than, or resulting from someone or something else that is primary : luck plays a role, but it's ultimately secondary to local knowledge.
• [ attrib. ] of or relating to education for children from the age of eleven to sixteen or eighteen : a secondary school. • having a reversible chemical reaction and therefore able to store energy. • relating to or denoting the output side of a device using electromagnetic induction, esp. in a transformer.
2 ( Secondary) Geology former term for Mesozoic .
3 Chemistry (of an organic compound) having its functional group located on a carbon atom that is bonded to two other carbon atoms.
• (chiefly of amines) derived from ammonia by replacement of two hydrogen atoms by organic groups. noun ( pl. -aries) 1 short for
• a secondary color.
• Ornithology a secondary feather.
• a secondary coil or winding in an electrical transformer. 2 Football the players in the defensive backfield; the area these players cover. 3 ( the Secondary) dated Geology the Secondary or Mesozoic era.

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